WEBVTT 00:02.089 --> 00:04.256 This generation is facing a new threat 00:05.860 --> 00:08.082 and it is a threat that that we haven't 00:08.082 --> 00:11.840 encountered before and when that 00:11.850 --> 00:13.850 threat arises , we will rely on our 00:13.850 --> 00:17.790 partners and allies . We 00:17.799 --> 00:19.021 are stronger together 00:23.840 --> 00:25.673 exercise . Unitas is the world's 00:25.673 --> 00:28.370 longest multinational maritime exercise 00:29.549 --> 00:32.509 for 64 years . Nations across the globe 00:32.520 --> 00:34.631 have been sending marines and sailors 00:34.631 --> 00:36.576 to this exercise so we can work on 00:36.576 --> 00:39.220 enhancing interoperability on maritime 00:39.229 --> 00:43.099 and amphibious operations . This year's 00:43.110 --> 00:45.520 Unitas was hosted here in Colombia by 00:45.529 --> 00:48.409 the Colombian Navy . We just worked on 00:48.419 --> 00:51.599 integrating interoperability at all 00:51.610 --> 00:53.499 levels with infantry squad leader 00:53.500 --> 00:56.040 tactics , special forces to include 00:56.049 --> 00:58.271 command and control at a higher level . 01:01.770 --> 01:03.937 During this exercise , we've conducted 01:03.937 --> 01:05.714 everything from helicopter rope 01:05.714 --> 01:07.881 suspension technique training from the 01:07.881 --> 01:10.214 50 ft tower as well as from uh one Huey . 01:13.529 --> 01:15.362 We've conducted traumatic combat 01:15.362 --> 01:17.830 casualty care training . Uh And today 01:17.839 --> 01:20.250 we conducted live fire pistol training 01:20.260 --> 01:21.982 with uh all of those different 01:21.982 --> 01:21.769 counterpoints . 01:27.319 --> 01:29.152 So this past week , we conducted 01:29.152 --> 01:31.263 fluvial operations with the Colombian 01:31.263 --> 01:34.260 Marine Corps . We learned a little bit 01:34.269 --> 01:37.019 about the tactics , the formations that 01:37.029 --> 01:38.918 they currently conduct here , the 01:38.918 --> 01:41.140 safety about boat operations , anything 01:41.140 --> 01:43.251 from the basics to more towards their 01:43.251 --> 01:46.410 tactics being able to work side by side 01:46.419 --> 01:48.580 with them , being able to learn from 01:48.589 --> 01:51.260 them , their ability to teach while 01:51.269 --> 01:53.269 conducting these flu operations has 01:53.269 --> 01:55.180 been immense . I wouldn't ask for 01:55.190 --> 01:59.180 anything else . The training that the 01:59.190 --> 02:01.510 special purpose conducted was uh very 02:01.519 --> 02:03.463 important . But what was even more 02:03.463 --> 02:05.630 important is that camaraderie with all 02:05.630 --> 02:07.741 these uh men and women from all these 02:07.741 --> 02:09.741 nations from across the globe ? And 02:09.741 --> 02:11.741 we've built relationships that will 02:11.741 --> 02:14.039 provide not just the immediate impact 02:14.050 --> 02:16.929 but longer lasting relationships and we 02:16.940 --> 02:19.051 all look forward to it . We hope that 02:19.051 --> 02:21.107 we can come down and work with these 02:21.107 --> 02:23.329 different countries' , militaries again 02:23.329 --> 02:26.710 in the future , that bond is what 02:26.720 --> 02:28.887 deters aggression . And in turn , that 02:28.889 --> 02:31.660 promotes a peaceful and stable Western 02:31.669 --> 02:32.339 hemisphere .