Marine Tuition Assistance (TA) is available for all active duty and active reserve Marines. Each member receives $4500 per fiscal year (1 Oct-30 Sep). There is a cap of $250 per semester hour, $166.67 per quarter hour, and $16.67 per clock hour.
**Successful course completion will be defined as a grade of “C” or higher for undergraduate courses, a “B” or higher for graduate courses, and a “Pass” for “Pass/Fail” courses. Reimbursement will also be required for students who receive an “I” grade that is not completed within 6 months or the educational institutions deadline.
**Fees no longer covered by TA include equipment, supplies, exams and costs associated with distance learning.
**TA will be authorized for graduate studies through the master’s degree level.
**Effective 22 Sep 2014, only schools with an approved DoD Voluntary Education Partnership MOU (as listed on the Participating Institution list at are eligible to participate in DoD Voluntary Education programs including, military tuition assistance. Any school in a DoD MOU Probationary Status will not be able to sign up new students – only current students will be authorized to receive Tuition Assistance – until the Probationary Status is completed.
TUITION ASSISTANCE USERS: The following information is required:
• Complete a College 101 Brief (10-15 minutes online PowerPoint presentation)
• Submit a Statement of Understanding
• Submit a current up-to-date TA application (with statement of fees from school when requested by Ed Office)
• Reservists must submit a copy of activation or mobilization orders
• Officers must agree to remain on active duty for at least two years upon completion of a funded TA course
• Evaluated Degree Plan or a SOCMAR is required
• FIRST TIME TA USERS – must have completed the Financial Mgmt MCI – 3420F
Toll Free 1-866-305-9058 or the below numbers:
Force Education Technicians 504-697-8105/8116
Force Education Specialist 504-697-9694
Force Education Officer 504-697-8128