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The Hatch Act, enacted in 1939, restricts specific political activities for federal employees, military members, and DoD civilians. This page clarifies the Act’s guidelines to ensure federal programs stay nonpartisan and shield employees from political coercion. As the general election nears, staying informed about these regulations is essential for upholding merit-based...
Staff Sgt. Trey Broome a U.S. Force Reconnaissance Marine with 3D Force Reconnaissance Company, 4th Marine Division, Marine Forces Reserve, provides overwatch during a raid during urban sniper operations training in Panzer Kaserne in Stuttgart, Germany, July 19, 2024. Under the leadership of the highly skilled scout snipers from 3D Force Recon, the five-day sniper course...
U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Erick Volquezrodriguez, middle right, stands with senior leadership at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, July 13, 2024. Volquezrodriguez was awarded the Reserve Administration Noncommissioned Officer of the Year and was recognized by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. Eric Smith, and the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, Sgt. Maj. Carlos...
The FY25 RCSB and RSLB will convene 19 August 2024 for Reserve Component (RC) lieutenant colonels (LtCol) and 26 August 2024 for RC colonels (Col). The board will select RC officers for designated commands/Reserve Senior Leader (RSL) billets projected to be vacated between 1 October 2024 and 30 September 2025
U.S. Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Douglas K. Clark, left, outgoing commanding general of 4th Marine Divsion, relinquishes command to Brig. Gen. John K. Jarrard, incoming commanding general, at Marine Corps Support Facility, New Orleans, May 23, 2024. A change of command ceremony symbolizes the transfer of authority, ensures continuity of leadership, honors the outgoing...
Prepare for a summer filled with adventure, but acknowledge the potential for misadventure as well. A memorable experience can be overshadowed by a trip to the hospital – or worse. Understand and manage the risks associated with summer activities to minimize the chance of a good time turning bad.
U.S. Marine Corps Forces South is currently seeking 18 Reserve SNCO and Officer volunteers who meet the requirements (rank can be one up, one down) to take a minimum of 181 day active-duty orders to MARFORSOUTH located in New Orleans in support of current crisis response planning and operations.
Reserve Marines: looking for 23 volunteers to take seven-month active-duty orders to support SAG-U in U.S. European Command. Click here to view requirements, more information, and application.
Introducing our cutting-edge application designed to transform the way Marines, Sailors, and their families connect and thrive within the USMCR community. Leveraging state-of-the-art technology, our platform centers on four core pillars: Communication, Connectivity, Interventions, and Resources.


Video by Pfc. Nicholas Bryan, Lance Cpl. Aaron TorresLemus
MARFORRES and MARFORSOUTH 100 Day Mark Command Priorities
Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES)
Sept. 5, 2024 | 2:25
U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Leonard F. Anderson IV, commander of Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces South, and Sgt. Maj. Edwin A. Mota, Sergeant Major of MARFORRES and MARFORSOUTH, speak on command priorities at Marine Corps Support Facility New Orleans, September 29, 2024. Anderson and Mota identify global force management, talent management, a new sponsorship program, the Professional Military Education Program, and Barracks 2030 as focus points after 100 days of observance as a command team. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Aaron Torreslemus and Pfc. Nicholas Bryan)

By License - This video contains audio from a USMC enterprise licensed asset from Adobe Stock:

"You Better Do It by Colorofmusic" /