The mission of the Marine Forces Reserve Communication Strategy and Operations Directorate is to advise commanders and staffs on communication matters; research, develop, integrate, and assess communication plans; communicate with internal, domestic and international audiences; and produce written and visual information products in order to build understanding, credibility, and trust with publics critical to mission success.
Current Operations
(504) 697-9339
(504) 697-9331
(504) 697-9312
(504) 247-4698
(504) 697-9334
(504) 914-9213 (After hours)
Community Relations
(504) 697-9300
Web Services
(504) 697-9305
(504) 697-9346
Social Media
(504) 697-9307
Studio Hours
0800-1100 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Duty Phone
504-697-9304 / 9306
Room: 2W2300
Command Board and Passport photos
OMPF photos
Current Operations
COMMSTRAT COPS provides in-house and task-organized deployable Marines who create professional photographic, videographic, graphical, multimedia products and services in support of administrative, operational, and planning requirements during world crises, contingencies, training exercises, and wartime operations.
Future Operations
COMMSTRAT FOPS engages with MARFORRES staff to conduct deliberate communication and operational planning to support the Commander's communication and operational initiatives.
Web Services maintains the public facing website for MARFORRES. For updates, changes, and maintenance requests, please use the trouble ticket form linked below. We strive to have most tickets completed within 24 hours of submission. Please note only unclassified information may be placed on the MARFORRES website.
Submit Web Services Trouble Ticket
1. Click the link above, and fill out the form entirely.
2. Please make sure to add any attachments required or that you feel will help with processing your issue.
3. If your trouble ticket references a site or page that requires action, please be sure to include the site/page URL in your trouble ticket.
4. Please leave "Assigned to" and "Resolution" fields blank as those are for internal use only.
For all Media Inquiries and COMMSTRAT Production and Support requests, please reach out to Media point of contact (media inquiry) or Future Operations point of contact (production and support) and/or email your request to