



The MARFORRES Comptroller provides financial resource management, accounting, internal control, and audit support which will optimize the operational, material and resource posture of MARFORRES, ensuring a ready, relevant, and responsive force with trained units and individual Marines as a sustainable and ready operational reserve in order to augment and reinforce active forces for employment across the full spectrum of crisis and global engagement.



The MARFORRES Comptroller will deliver to the Commander, Commanding Generals, and staff:

  • Expert staff committed to providing decision makers with the best information possible in order to achieve the best use of the limited resources available.

  • Engaged and proactive technical support for MARFORRES Program Managers tasked with competing for resources within formal USMC programming processes.

  • Exploitation of emerging technology to improve accountability and transparency for resource planning, budgeting and execution.

  • Leadership in the Marine Corps financial management services through the development of professional financial analysts.



Coordinate budget development, analyze budget execution, and recommend adjustments to optimize the command's financial resource position.  Management of financial resources within the following appropriations: RPMC, OMMCR, OMMC (OCO only), Joint Exercise Funds, ORF, and Family Housing Operations.

  • Provide technical guidance and direction concerning resource matters throughout the command and to the Commander.

  • Ensure proper stewardship and efficient use of resources through published guidance, training, engagement, and fiscal inspections.

  • Maintain accounting records and auditable financial statements.

G-8 (Comptroller) Staff:
Marine Forces Reserve Comptroller
Deputy Comptroller
Comptroller Chief

(504) 697-8744
(504) 697-8736
(504) 697-8763

Budget Branch: 
Budget Branch Head

Command Element Budget Officer

CE MSC Coordinator

4th MAW Budget Officer
4th MAW Budget Coordinator 

4th MLG Budget Officer
4th MLG Budget Coordinator

4th MARDIV Budget Officer
4th MARDIV Budget Coordinator

4th FHG Budget Officer
4th FHG Budget Coordinator

(504) 697-8735

(504) 697-8735

(504) 697-8746

(504) 607-8767
(504) 607-8751

(504) 607-8764
(504) 607-8746

(504) 607-8764
(504) 607-8746

(504) 607-8767
(504) 607-8745

Accounting Branch

Accounting Officer
Accounting Chief


(504) 697-8754
(504) 697-8765

RE&A Branch

RE&A Branch Head
RE&A Chief


(504) 697-8782
(504) 697-8783

DTS Branch

DTS Branch Head

(504) 697-8789 / 8799

Financial Systems Branch

Financial Systems Branch Head


(504) 697-8762