
Regional Contracting Office


Our mission is to provide contracting support for supplies and services to Marine Forces Reserve and Marine Forces North customers. We will achieve our mission through the efforts of a highly skilled, multi-disciplined, and professional workforce.

To accomplish our mission, we will:

Provide expeditious, quality, and cost-effective contract administration.

Deliver contract support in accordance with the policies & procedures set forth by USMC Installations & Logistics (Contracts) to meet the needs of our customers.

Develop and execute acquisition strategies that best support our customers.

Attain operational awareness to the workforce that encompasses the needs of our customers' requirements.

Provide a training program which ensures the workforce attains their Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification, and meets their Continuous Learning requirements, within appropriate timelines.


Contact Information

RCO Main Office:

Small Business Branch:

GCPC Branch:

PR Builder/WAWF: