
Deployment Processing Command - Reserve Support Unit East

Force Headquarters Group
Marine Corps Forces Reserve

313 Holcomb Blvd
Camp LeJeune, NC 28542-0086

Duty Phone: (910) 357-4445

Security Manager: (910) 451-5328 

Check In: (910) 450-9142

After Hours: (910) 357-4445


Kevin J. Conant

 [ Biography ]     [ Photo ]


First Sergeant
Jason C. Cepeda

 [ Biography ]     [ Photo ]



For reporting instructions specific to your requirements, contact the DPC/RSU-East prior to arrival.

DPC/RSU-East processes Joint and Service Individual Augments (IAs), Department of Defense (DoD) Civilians, and DoD contractors to meet Global Force Management (GFM) rotational and major contingency requirements.  DPC/RSU-East also provides support to Reserve units for GFM rotational requirements and is prepared to conduct activation processing for Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Marines during an authorized mobilization for a declared National Emergency in order to provide combat capability to the Total Force.

The DPC/RSU-East fulfills its Marine Corps Total Force obligation by executing three lines of operation in accomplishing its mission:

1) Support to deploying IAs, units, and contractors by facilitating planning and predeployment activities where Camp Lejeune is the designated ILOC.  This includes administrative, logistic, medical, and training support.

2) Support to redeploying IAs, units, and contractors by providing planning, coordination, and supervision of demobilization requirements to Reserve IAs and units when Camp Lejeune is designated as RILOC. 

3) Support to non-mobilized Reserve Component and National Guard units training aboard Camp Lejeune. This includes billeting, range scheduling, and logistic support. 


news  /  PHOTOS  /  VIDEOS
Marines attached to Deployment Processing Command Reserve Support Unit-East, Force Headquarters Group, conduct predeployment training at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, during the month of October, 2019. The DPC/RSU-East provides support to non-mobilized Reserve Component unit training, conducts Individual Augment deployment/re-deployment processing, and supports activated Reserve units/detachments while aboard Camp Lejeune in order to support total force integration during mobilization. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Sgt. Andy O. Martinez)
The honors and lineage for Deployment Processing Command / Reserve Support Unit-East is displayed during the rededication ceremony for DPC/RSU-East, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, April 8. The rededication ceremony was held to celebrate and reflect on the accomplishments of the unit for the past 70 years. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Ashley Gomez)
Marines and Sailors with Deployment Processing Command / Reserve Support Unit-East pose for a photo after the rededication ceremony for DPC/RSU-East, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, April 8. The rededication ceremony was held to celebrate and reflect on the accomplishments of the unit for the past 70 years. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Ashley Gomez)