5631 Rickenbacker Rd. Bell, CA 90201 Unit Phone: (213) 658-8438
Lieutenant Colonel Seth E. Tufvesson [ Biography ] [ Photo ]
Sergeant Major Joseph W. Richardson [ Biography ] [ Photo ]
Lieutenant Colonel Travis Q. Zimmerman [ Biography ] [ Photo ]
First Sergeant Christapher M. Bess [ Biography ] [ Photo ]
3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (3D ANGLICO), is one of three reserve ANGLICO units spread across the United States. Our Marines meet to train and prepare for war each month in Bell, California.
Provide the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) Commander a liaison capability and ability to plan, coordinate, employ, and conduct terminal control of fires in support of joint, allied, and coalition forces.
The 3D ANGLICO Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) Inspector-Instructor (I-I) team works together to prepare the Marines and Sailors for high intensity combat operations against a near-peer adversary in a multi-domain operations and degraded command and control environment, and is prepared to deploy as a company or subordinate units in support of crisis and conflict within 30 days of receiving a mobilization order. 3D ANGLICO Inspector-Instructors facilitate company mobilization readiness, set conditions for enhanced lethality, and develop leaders of character in order to provide a capable force ready to augment active component requirements and to serve as ambassadors for the Marine Corps.
MCT 1.2.4 Deploy Tactical Forces MCT Integrate MAGTF, Naval, Joint, and Multinational Fires and Effects MCT 3.2.5 Control Supporting Arms MCT Maintain and Operate Joint C4 Systems MCT Establish Fires and Effects Liaisons to Joint and Multi-National Forces
Staff Sergeant Paul A. Ruotolo Jr. Office: (719) 317-8089
Officers, contact the Company Executive Officer, or the Company Inspector-Instructor here: Major Pat Batten (Company XO)
Major Jason Cotterell (Company Assistant I-I)
(719) 317-8071 jason.cotterell@usmc.mil