


Colonel James D. Fleming
Commanding Officer
25th Marine Regiment

The son of a Marine, Colonel Fleming is proud to call Philadelphia, Pennsylvania home.  A career infantryman, he enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1992 and served as a team leader with 2d Reconnaissance Battalion.  Following release from active duty, he served with the 6th Engineer Support Battalion’s Bulk Fuel Company B while attending Penn State University. 

Commissioned in 2001, he served as a rifle, weapons, and scout sniper platoon commander with 3d Battalion, 7th Marines.  In 2005, he returned to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve, serving in a variety of assignments, including duty with the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory as an Infantry Subject Matter Expert, U.S. Central Command’s J3 as a Force Protection Officer, and the Marine Corps University’s Expeditionary Warfare School as an Exercise Design Officer.

Returning to the active component in 2007,  Colonel Fleming was assigned to Headquarters Marine Corps, serving with Manpower Management’s Enlisted Assignments Branch.  From 2009-12, he led rifle companies in both 1st Battalion, 2d Marines and 1st Battalion, 6th Marines.  From 2012-14, he served as the Operations Officer for 1st Battalion, 9th Marines and deployed as the Executive Officer of the 4th Brigade, 215th Corps Afghan National Army Advise and Assist Team.  From 2016-19, he served as a Marine Air-Ground Task Force planner and later as Future Operations Officer for 3d Marine Expeditionary Brigade. From 2019-21, Colonel Fleming was the 1st Battalion, 25th Marines Inspector-Instructor. From 2022-24, Colonel Fleming was the J5 Deputy of the Joint Planning Support Element - Joint Enabling Capabilities Command, a subordinate of the U.S. Transportation Command. He assumed command of 25th Marine Regiment on July 12, 2024.

Colonel Fleming’s professional military resident education includes The Basic School (2002), Infantry Officer Course (2002), Expeditionary Warfare School (2009), the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College (2015), and its School of Advanced Military Studies (2016),  and the Joint Advanced Warfighting School (2022). He is a qualified parachutist, combatant diver, scout sniper, and graduate of the U.S. Army’s Ranger School.  His contingency and combat experience includes Operations SILVER WAKE, IRAQI FREEDOM (three deployments), ENDURING FREEDOM (two deployments), and support to the Security Assistance Group-Ukraine.

Colonel Fleming’s personal decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Distinguished Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (with gold star), Joint Service Commendation Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal (with V device and three gold stars), and Combat Action Ribbon (with gold star).