


First Sergeant Schreiber
Unit Senior Enlisted Leader
Military Police Company B

Born and raised in western New York, First Sergeant Schreiber enlisted in the Marine Corps in November, 2002 and attended recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Paris Island, South Carolina where he was promoted to the rank of Private First Class. Upon graduation of recruit training, he reported to the School of Infantry, Camp Geiger, North Carolina to be trained as an 0311, Infantryman.

After completing Infantry School, Private First Class Schreiber reported to India Company, 3d Battalion, 25th Marines in Buffalo, NY. He was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal in August of 2003 and in 2005 he deployed to the Al Anbar province of Iraq. Shortly into the deployment, Lance Corporal Schreiber volunteered to transfer to Lima Company, 3/25 to fill in as a combat replacement due to the unit suffering heavy casualties. Lance Corporal Schreiber finished out his deployment in Haditha, Iraq and later returned home with his parent company.

Lance Corporal Schreiber was promoted to Corporal in January of 2006 and then to Sergeant in April 2005. As a Sergeant he held the billets of Squad Leader and Platoon Sergeant. As a Platoon Sergeant, he participated in Operation Talisman Sabre, Australia and shortly thereafter volunteered to deploy back to Iraq as part of Echo Company, 2d Battalion, 25th Marines. Again he was deployed to the Al Anbar province and operated primarily in the vicinity of the Syrian Border.

In December of 2010, Sergeant Schreiber was promoted to Staff Sergeant. In that rank he served as Weapons Platoon Sergeant and participated in ITX, 29 Palms, California and African Lion, Morocco. In December of 2016 Staff Sergeant Schreiber transferred to the IMA and due to his civilian profession he was selected to serve as an advisor for the Camp Lejeune Special Reaction Team. In July of 2017 he was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant. Gunnery Sergeant Schreiber worked with the Special Reaction Team for 2 years and then transferred to the IRR.

After a short period in the IRR, Gunnery Sergeant Schreiber returned to the SMCR and joined Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 25th Marines in Buffalo, NY. Gunnery Sergeant Schreiber worked as the Company Gunnery Sergeant and as a Platoon Commander until he was selected and promoted to his current rank.

First Sergeant Schreiber checked in to his current assignment as the Company First Sergeant, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, Bravo Company, North Versailles, PA in June 2021.

First Sergeant Schreiber’s personal awards include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal with gold star in lieu of 2nd award, the Selected Marine Corps Reserve Medal and the Combat Action Ribbon.