Lieutenant Colonel Kirk commissioned in August 2007 upon completion of Officer Candidate Course-195. After completing The Basic School in March 2008, he was designated a logistics officer.
In July 2008, he reported to 3d Battalion, 9th Marines where he served first as the Maintenance Management Officer and later as the Assistant Logistics Officer and Motor Transportation Officer. He completed deployments with the battalion to Al Anbar, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Marjeh, Afghanistan in support Operation Enduring Freedom.
In August 2011, he reported to Headquarters Marine Corps, Installations and Logistics where he served as a Logistics Analyst within the Logistics Systems, Technology, and Integration Section. Upon completion of his tour at Installations and Logistics, he attended the Expeditionary Warfare School in Quantico, Virginia.
In June 2015, he reported to Marine Wing Support Squadron-372. He assumed command of Bravo Company and deployed to Bahrain under Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force-Crisis Response-Central Command. Upon return from deployment, he assumed duties as the Squadron Operations Officer.
In August 2017, he transitioned to the Marine Corps Reserves joining 2d Battalion, 25th Marines as the Battalion Logistics Officer. In July 2018, he joined Headquarters Marine Corps, Installations and Logistics where he served as a Watch Officer and Action Officer within the Logistics Innovation Office. He joined Combat Logistics Battalion-25 in October 2021 where he served first as the Future Operations Officer and later as the Battalion Executive Officer.
Lieutenant Colonel Kirk is a graduate of the Basic Mountain Leaders Course at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center in Bridgeport, California, the Army Basic Airborne Course, Expeditionary Warfare School, and Command and Staff College (Distant Education Program). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Mary Washington and a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Virginia Commonwealth University.