


Captain Joshua Perras
Military Police Company B

Captain Joshua Perras is a native of Exeter, RI. He enlisted in the United States Marine Corps on 17 September 2007. Captain Perras served eight years as an Air Command and Control Electronics Operator earning the rank of Staff Sergeant and deploying in support of OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM as an Air Space Control Officer in Regional Command Southwest, Camp Leatherneck and Kandahar Afghanistan. He would later go on to earn his commissioning through the Enlisted Commissioning Program in 2016.

In January 2016, Captain Perras attended Officer Candidate Course in and The Basic School (TBS) in June 2016. Upon graduation from TBS, Captain Perras was assigned the MOS of Military Police Officer and reported to the Military Police Basic Officer Course in Fort Leonard Wood, MO. Upon graduation, Captain Perras was transferred to 2nd Law Enforcement Battalion, Camp Lejeune, NC.

In May 2017, Captain Perras served as a Platoon Commander and deployed with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit. Upon returning, he assumed the billet of Company Executive Officer and later as a Company Commander until he was selected to attend Military Police Career Captains Course where he reported in July 2020 and graduated in December 2020. In January 2021, Captain Perras reported to Security Battalion, Marine Corps Base Quantico. He would serve as the Battalion Operations Officer. In May 2021 he would serve as later as the Service Company Commander and then December 2021 he would serve as the Provost Marshal Office Operations Officer.

In June 2023, Captain Perras was transferred to Company B, 4th Law Enforcement Battalion, Force Headquarters Group and is currently serving as the Inspector Instructor.

Captain Perras personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with gold star in lieu of 2nd award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. Captain Perras holds a Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice from American Military University and a Master of Arts in Management and Leadership from Webster University.