RPCS Robart is a native of Crete Nebraska, graduated from Shelton High in 1990, and attended the University of Nebraska, University of Maryland, and currently enrolled in Liberty University with 1 semester left to graduate with a Behavioral Science degree. After graduating from high school and attending college part time he began professional motorcycle racing. Over a span of 12 years Robart amassed 7 state titles 3 regional titles, and qualified for many national events. After 12 years of racing he semi-retired from racing and eventually decided to enlist into the Navy in in 2003. Robart attended Navy Recruit Training in Great Lakes and went to NATTC Pensacola, FL for Airman training until he reported to his first duty station as an undesignated airman to VF-103 in NAS Oceana, Virginia Beach, VA. in 2004.
In 2005, Airman Robart struck into the Religious Program Specialist rating and was advanced to RP3 where he received new orders to 3rd MARDIV in Okinawa, Japan. Following MCECST, Camp Johnson, NC he reported to 3D Recon Bn, Okinawa in January 2006. He deployed for 7 months twice in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom to Camp Fallujah, Iraq in 2006 and 2008.
Then RP2 Robart reported to NAF Atsugi in March of 2010. Shortly after reporting RP2 Robart was selected to fill an IA billet with Security Forces doing back to back 6 months tours in Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In May of 2013 then RP1 Robart reported to 1st Marine Division DET 29 Palms 7th Marine Regiment where he deployed back to Afghanistan just 3 weeks after check in for a 6 month tour with RCT-7 in support of OEF. RP1 Robart then rotated to 3rd Battalion 7th Marines where he deployed back to Iraq for 7 months in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in 2015. In 2016 RP1 Robart was assigned to Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island base command where he performed multiple duties such as Chapel LPO, Base Security Watch bill Coordinator, Port Ops Watch Officer, Coxswain, and Command Duty Officer for 55 tenant commands all working on Naval Station Newport. In 2018 Petty Officer Robart was selected for Chief Petty Officer and received orders to 1st Marine Air Wing in Okinawa, Japan as the Senior Enlisted Advisor in March of 2019. In Dec of 2021 RPC Robart was sent TAD to III MEF to avoid gapping a critical billet, while simultaneously filling 1st MAW, 3DMARDIV, and assisting MCIPAC which was also gapped. RPC Robart was then selected for Senior Chief and later reported to MARFORRES in October of 2022.
RPCS Robart’s personal decorations include the 2 Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, 6 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, 2 Combat Action Ribbons, and various unit, campaign, and service awards.