


Captain Thomas D. Schrader
Commanding Officer
Headquarters Company

Captain Schrader was selected for Officer Candidate School in 2011 while attending the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He attended Platoon Leader's Course in the summers of 2011 and 2012 and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in September 2012.

Second Lieutenant Schrader attended The Basic School from July 2014 through February of 2015 and was selected as an 0402, Logistics Officer. Captain Schrader attended Basic Logistics Officer Course from March 2015 through June 2015.

Second Lieutenant Schrader reported to 3d Supply Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 35, Okinawa, Japan in June 2015 and was assigned as the Motor Transport Platoon Commander. Second Lieutenant Schrader was promoted to First Lieutenant during this assignment.

First Lieutenant Schrader was assigned as the Future Operations Officer, Headquarters Company, Combat Logistics Regiment 35 from July 2016 until June, 2018. First Lieutenant Schrader was promoted to Captain in May 2018.

Captain Schrader reported to Expeditionary Warfare School, Quantico, Virginia as permanent personnel in July 2018. In July 2019, Captain Schrader was assigned as Aid-de-Camp to the Commanding General, Marine Corps University until June 2020. Captain Schrader deployed to Somalia as an Individual Augmentee attached to Special Operations Task Force - East Africa from June 2020 through February 2021.

Captain Schrader transitioned the United States Marine Corps Reserves in July 2021 and joined Headquarters Company, Combat Logistics Regiment 4 in December 2021. He is currently assigned as Company Commander, Headquarters Company, Combat Logistics Regiment 4.

Captain Schrader holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Business Administration with concentration in Supply Chain and Finance from Michigan State University. As a civilian, Captain Schrader works as a Supply Chain and Operations consultant.