


First Sergeant Justen R. Rollo
Unit Senior Enlisted Leader
Headquarters Company

First Sergeant Rollo enlisted in the Marine Corps in October 2004 from Terre Haute, IN and reported for recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, CA on January 10, 2005.  Upon completion of recruit training, Private Rollo reported to Marine Combat Training (MCT) Battalion.  Following MCT, he reported to Marine Corps Communications Electronics School in Twenty-Nine Palms, CA and attended the Tactical Data Network Operator Course.

Private First Class Roll reported to Communications Company, 14th Marines in Indianapolis, IN.  He was promoted to Lance Corporal in March 2006 and served as a Data Systems Operator in the Networking and Services Platoon.

Activated in June 2009, Lance Corporal Rollo served as a Fire Team Leader with Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marines in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom 9.2.  While on deployment he was promoted to Corporal on October 1, 2009.  Corporal Rollo returned to Indianapolis in March 2010 and deactivated in July 2010.  Corporal Rollo was assigned back to Communications Company, 14th Marines where he served as a Squad Leader for the Networking and Systems Platoon.

Promoted to Sergeant on December 1, 2010, he was assigned as the Operations NCO and then as the Operations Chief.  In October of 2012, Sergeant Rollo was assigned as the Platoon Sergeant for the Networking and Services Platoon.  In October of 2014, Sergeant Rollo was promoted to Staff Sergeant and assigned as the Data Systems Chief for Communications Company.

In 2017, Staff Sergeant Rollo earned his secondary MOS of 0689, Communications Training Instructor Administrator (CTIA) after completing training at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.  Staff Sergeant Rollo supported the Communications MOS modernization program as Communication Company's CTIA.

Activated again in May of 2018, Staff Sergeant Rollo attached with Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 23rd Marines in Okinawa, Japan, where he served as the Battalion Data Systems Chief.  Promoted to Gunnery Sergeant on January 1, 2019, Gunnery Sergeant Rollo deactivated in May 2019 and assumed the duties as the Company Gunnery Sergeant for Communications Company, 14th Marines.

In May of 2021, Gunnery Sergeant Rollo was activated for a third time in support of Deployable Joint Command and Control 21.2 where he served as the Operations Chief in Jordan and Bahrain.  Upon deactivating in February 2022, Gunnery Sergeant Rollo returned to Indianapolis and assumed the duties as Headquarters and Services Chief for Communications Company, 14th Marines.

Promoted to First Sergeant in May 2023, First Sergeant Rollo reported to Headquarters Company, Combat Logistics Regiment 4 in Kansas City, MO on July 2, 2023, where he currently serves as the Company First Sergeant.

First Sergeant Rollo’s personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

First Sergeant Rollo holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics with honors from Indiana State University and a Master of Business Administration from Ball State University.  First Sergeant Rollo works as a Supervisory Economist for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, United States Department of Labor in the Division of Compensation Programs.