


Major John B. Howarth
Executive Officer

Major Howarth entered the Marine Corps Delayed Enlistment Program as a reserve Marine in June of 1999 and shipped to MCRD Parris Island for recruit training in October of 1999.  Following recruit training, Private First Class Howarth attended the School of Infantry aboard Camp Geiger, NC and upon completion received the 0311 MOS.  PFC Howarth’s first unit was Company L, 3rd Bn, 25th Marines where he picked up the rank of Lance Corporal.

In 2004 Corporal Howarth deployed as part of a SMAGTF to South America for an iteration of UNITAS.  He served as in infantry team leader throughout the deployment.  He also completed his Bachelors’ Degree from The Ohio State University.

In February of 2005 Corporal Howarth passed an Indoc for the Scout Sniper Platoon and immediately deployed to Iraq with 3rd Bn 25th Marines in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.  There he served in the billets of sniper team radio operator, assistant team leader and team leader.  He served in Al Anbar Iraq in Hit, Haditha, and Al Kiem supporting ground units of Regimental Combat Team 7.  Corporal Howarth was promoted to Sergeant in May of 2005.  In 2008, Sergeant Howarth participated in Exercise Talisman Sabre ISO of the 31st MEU as the Chief Scout of the sniper platoon.  He was promoted to Staff Sergeant in October 2008.

In January of 2009 Staff Sergeant Howarth reported to Officer Candidate School and graduated in March as a 2nd Lieutenant.  He reported to The Basic School in March and to the Infantry Officer Course in October of the same year graduating in December of 2009 as an 0302.  

In January of 2010 he reported to Lime Company 3/25 at a platoon commander and began a work up for deployment to Afghanistan.  He deployed to Afghanistan in August of 2010 in support of OEF 10.2.  There he served as an infantry platoon commander in Helmand Province.  

Upon returning from Afghanistan Lt Howarth transferred to Co E, 4th Recon Bn in January 2012.   There he held the billets of platoon commander and operations liaison officer.  In March of 2013 he was promoted to Captain.  In October of 2018 he deployed to Okinawa Japan in support of UDP 19.1.  He was promoted to Major in February of 2019 and served as the Operations Liaison Officer at Co E, 4th Recon Bn.

In October of 2020, Major Howarth transferred to 3d Force Reconnaissance Company where he served as the Operations Officer.  During that time, he oversaw three OCONUS exercises, UNITAS in Brazil, Tradewinds in Mexico, and African Lion in Tunisia.  In September of 2023, Major Howarth assumed the Executive Officer billet at 3d Force Recon where he currently serves. 

Major Howarth’s personal awards include (3) Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medals, (2) Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals (Combat V), and (2) Combat Action Ribbons.  His schools include the Basic Reconnaissance Course, Basic Airborne Course, SERE, Sniper Unit Leaders Course, Combatant Dive, Dive Supervisor, HRST Master, and the Multi Mission Parachute Course.