Sergeant Major Noah Davis enlisted in the delayed entry program in August 2000 and graduated from recruit training in August 2001. After graduating as a Rifleman from the School of Infantry in October 2001, he reported to 3d Force Reconnaissance Company in Mobile, Alabama and began training in the Reconnaissance Indoctrination Platoon. Sergeant Major Davis graduated from the Amphibious Reconnaissance School at Fort Story, VA in May of 2002 and then attended and graduated from the Army Basic Airborne Course at Fort Benning, VA in August 2002. Sergeant Major Davis reported back to 3d Force Reconnaissance Company and served as a scout within a reconnaissance team.
In June 2004, Sergeant Major Davis was activated and attached to 7th Platoon, 2d Force Reconnaissance Company in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In August 2004, Sergeant Major Davis deployed with 2d Force Reconnaissance Co. for combat operations Iraq. Upon returning from OIF in March 2005, Sergeant Major Davis was assigned as the platoon sergeant of the Reconnaissance Indoctrination Platoon at 3d Force Reconnaissance Company. In September 2007, Sergeant Major Davis transferred to the Individual Ready Reserve and then received an Honorable Discharge in August 2008.
Sergeant Major Davis reenlisted into the Selected Marine Corps Reserve in April 2009 and was assigned to Marine Aviation Training Support Group – 42 in Pensacola, Florida, where he served as the Assistant Training Chief. In October 2011, Sergeant Major Davis returned to 3d Force Reconnaissance Company as a Reconnaissance Team Leader. In December 2011, Sergeant Major Davis was activated to serve as Training Chief for Security Cooperation Team 2, Special Purpose MAGTF Africa 12.2. In October 2012, Sergeant Major Davis was deactivated and resumed duties as a Reconnaissance Team Leader with 3d Force Reconnaissance Company. From June 2014 to April 2019, Sergeant Major Davis served as the Training Chief and Operations Chief for 3d Force Reconnaissance Company.
In April 2019, Sergeant Major Davis reported to Weapons Company, 3d Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment to serve as Company First Sergeant. In May 2022, Sergeant Major Davis reported for duty as the Company First Sergeant for Communications Company, Combat Logistics Regiment-45.
In March of 2024, Sergeant Major Davis was assigned to his current billet as Intelligence Support Battalion Sergeant Major in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Sergeant Major Davis is a recipient of the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, both from Troy University.