Sergeant Major Scoggins entered the Marine Corps Delayed Enlistment Program in June 1989. In June 1990 he shipped to MCRD Parris Island for recruit training. Following recruit training, Private First Class Scoggins reported to the School of Infantry aboard Camp Geiger, NC where he received the 0311 Infantryman military occupational specialty. Private First Class Scoggins was then transferred to Marine Corps Security Force Battalion and received the additional MOS of 8152 Security Guard. Private First Class Scoggins was promoted to Lance Corporal in December 1990.
In January 1991, Lance Corporal Scoggins was assigned to Marine Corps Security Force Company Bermuda where he held the billets of Guard, Corporal of the Guard and Sergeant of the Guard. He also completed the Basic Parachutist Course at Fort Benning, GA. In March 1992, Lance Corporal Scoggins was meritoriously promoted to Corporal.
In May 1992, Corporal Scoggins reported to 1st Battalion, 2d Marines aboard Camp Lejeune, N.C. where he held the billets of Squad Leader, Battalion SACO, Platoon Guide, and Platoon Sergeant. He participated in Operation Cease Fire (Kuwait) and Operation Restore Hope (Somalia) as part of Battalion Landing Team 1/2, 24th MEU (SOC). He also participated in Operation Sea Signal (Cuba), and an UDP to Okinawa. While with 1st Battalion 2d Marines he completed Infantry Squad Leaders Course, Combat Marksmanship Course, Substance Abuse Control Officers Course, Noncommissioned Officer Nonresident Course, Sergeants Course, Staff Noncommissioned Officer Nonresident Course and the Warfighting Nonresident Program. Corporal Scoggins was promoted to Sergeant in May 1994.
In June 1996, Sergeant Scoggins left active service and enrolled as a student at The University of Tennessee.
In January 2002, Sergeant Scoggins enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve and served as a Platoon Sergeant for Company L, 3d Battalion, 24th Marines. He completed Survival, Escape, Resistance and Evasion School and the Nonresident Amphibious Warfare School (Phase I and II).
In December 2003, Sergeant Scoggins transferred to 3d Force Reconnaissance Company and was assigned to the Reconnaissance Indoctrination Platoon. Sergeant Scoggins was then transferred to 4th Ground Sensor Platoon, Intelligence Support Battalion in March 2004. While with 4th Ground Sensor Platoon, he held the billets of Team Leader, Section Leader, and Ground Sensor Chief and participated in Operation Enduring Freedom as the Ground Sensor Detachment Leader for the Command Element, 26th MEU, Operation Iraqi Freedom 9.2 as the Sensor Employment Team Leader for 3d Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion in Sinjar, Iraq and in Operation Enduring Freedom 12.1 as the Sensor Employment Team Leader for 1st Battalion, 7th Marines in Sangin, Afghanistan. He was also attached to SOTF-W providing sensor support to MARSOC and Army Operational Detachment Alpha Teams in the Helmand Province of Afghanistan. Throughout his assignment with 4th Ground Sensor Platoon he served as the Ground Sensor Mission Commander on multiple exercises with JTF-North along the southern US Border. He completed the Ground Sensor Surveillance Operators Course, Staff Noncommissioned Officer Career Course, Staff Noncommissioned Officer Advanced Course and the Nonresident Joint Senior Enlisted PME. Sergeant Scoggins was promoted to Staff Sergeant in May 2007 and to Gunnery Sergeant in November 2010.
Frocked to First Sergeant in May 2014, First Sergeant Scoggins was selected to remain at Intelligence Support Battalion to stand up the newly created Headquarters and Service Company. During this period First Sergeant Scoggins completed the First Sergeants Course.
In July 2016, First Sergeant Scoggins was assigned to Company E, 4th Tank Battalion and assumed the duties as Company First Sergeant. From March to May 2018 he was the acting Battalion Sergeant Major for 4th Tank Battalion. While with 4th Tank Battalion he completed the First Sergeant/Master Sergeant Seminar.
In April 2019, First Sergeant Scoggins was frocked to Sergeant Major and in May was transferred to 4th Reconnaissance Battalion to assume the responsibilities of Battalion Sergeant Major. During this period he completed the Commanders/Sergeants Major Course.
In May 2022, Sergeant Major Scoggins was appointed the Regimental Sergeant Major for the 25th Marines.
Sergeant Major Scoggins personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal with Gold Star in lieu of 4th Award, Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Gold Star in lieu of 2nd Award, the Combat Action Ribbon, and the Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist device. He holds a Bachelors of Arts Degree in Sociology with a concentration in Criminal Justice from the University of Tennessee.