


Sergeant Major Julian Dan
Inspector-Instructor Command Senior Enlisted Leader
4th Law Enforcement Battalion

Sergeant Major Dan is a native of Campina, Romania and graduated from “Andrei Barseanu” High School in June 1995. He enlisted in the Marine Corps on 23 February 2004 and attended 3rd Recruit Training Battalion aboard MCRD Parris Island, SC.  Upon graduation, he was promoted to the rank of Private First Class before being transferred to Camp Geiger, NC for Marine Combat Training. Sergeant Major Dan attended “A” school at CNATT aboard NAS Pensacola, FL and “C” school at CNATT aboard MCAS New River, NC. On 1 November 2004 he was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal. 
Upon graduation, he attained the CH53E Helicopter Airframes Mechanic (6153) MOS and was assigned to HMH-461 as an Airframes Mechanic on 1 March 2005. On 1 July 2005, he was promoted to the rank of Corporal. In August of 2005, he was assigned to HMM-261(Rein) as part of the 24th MEU, where he served as a Collateral Duty Inspector. In November of 2005 he deployed to Iraq in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In May of 2006, he returned to HMH-461 and Served as a Collateral Duty Inspector. In September of 2006, he was assigned to MAWTS-1 aboard MCAS Yuma, AZ in support of WTI 1-07 where he served as a Collateral Duty Inspector. On 1 October 2006, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. In August of 2007, he was assigned to HMM-365(Rein), as part of the 26th MEU, where he served as a Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representative. In February of 2008, he deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. On 1 August 2008, he was promoted to the rank of Staff Sergeant. In November of 2008, he returned to HMH-461 where he served as a Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representative. 
In April of 2009, he reported to Drill Instructor School, class 3-09, aboard MCRD San Diego, CA. Upon graduation he was assigned to Delta Company, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, where he served as Drill Instructor and Senior Drill Instructor. In October of 2011, he became part of the Staff at Drill Instructor School, where he served as a Marine Corps Common Skills Instructor, Uniform Instructor, and Squad Instructor. 
In January of 2013, Sergeant Major Dan reported to HMH-462 aboard MCAS Miramar, CA, where he served as a Quality Assurance Representative. In April of 2013, he attended Career Course 4-13 aboard Camp Pendleton, CA where he graduated as the Gung Ho Recipient.  In July of 2013, he deployed to Bastion, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, where he served as a Collateral Duty Quality Assurance Representative for the Airframes Division and the Antiterrorism Force Protection SNCOIC for the squadron. In March of 2014 he was assigned to MAWTS-1 aboard MCAS Yuma, AZ in support of WTI 2-14 where he served as a Quality Assurance Representative. 
In July of 2015, Sergeant Major Dan received orders to HMH-461 aboard MCAS New River, NC, where he served as a Quality Assurance Representative. On 2 April 2016, he was promoted to the rank of Gunnery Sergeant, meritoriously. In August 2016, he was assigned to VMM-365(Rein) as part of the 24th MEU where he served as the Detachment Staff Non-Commission Officer in Charge and Quality Assurance Chief. In October 2017, he returned to HMH-461 where he served as the Maintenance Control Chief. In August of 2018, he was assigned to MAWTS-1 aboard MCAS Yuma, AZ in support of WTI 1-19 and 2-19 where he served as the Maintenance Control Chief. 
On 26 June 2020 he was promoted to the rank of First Sergeant and was assigned to the Site Support Staff for Company D, 4th Tank Battalion aboard MCGCC Twentynine Palms, CA where he served as the Inspector Instructor First Sergeant. 
On 18 May 2022 he received orders to 3D BN 4th Marines. MCGCC Twentynine Palms, CA  and was assigned to Company I as the Company First Sergeant. In June 2022 he deployed aboard USS Essex and participated in RIMPAC 22. In October 2022, he deployed to Okinawa, Japan as part of UDP 23.1 where he served as the Company First Sergeant for Company I. Upon redeployment, in April 2023, he transitioned to Company K and assisted with the transition to the new IBeX concept. 
On 19 December 2023 he was promoted to his current rank and received orders to 4th Law Enforcement BN where he is currently serving as the Inspector Instructor Sergeant Major.
His personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal (sixth award), and the Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal (second award). 
He holds a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration with a focus on Organizational Leadership.