


First Sergeant Alfred D. Brooks
Inspector-Instructor Unit Senior Enlisted Leader
Intelligence Support Battalion

Alfred Brooks is a native of Bradenton, FL. He attended Manatee High School and graduated in 2000. He enlisted in October 2001 in the Selected Marine Corps Reserve, and underwent recruit training at 2nd Recruit Training Battalion, Golf Company, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, S.C.

In August 2001 Private Brooks completed Administrative Clerk School at Camp Johnson, N.C. He was assigned to 4th Amphibious Assault Vehicle Battalion, Tampa, FL. He deployed twice during this time, first in 2003 as part of the initial push into Iraq for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, and then in 2005 with 3rd Provisional Security Company at Camp Lemonier Djibouti, Africa.

Corporal Brooks volunteered for Extended Active Duty recruiting duty in August 2007. Promoted during Recruiter School, Sergeant Brooks was returned to Recruiting Station Orlando, Recruiting Sub-Station, Sarasota, FL where he assumed his duties as a Canvassing Recruiter.

In February 2009 Sergeant Brooks put in a Prior Service Enlistment Package for active duty and lateral moved to the Tactical Imagery Intelligence Analyst Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), and was assigned on-the-job training with 2d Intelligence Battalion in July 2009. Sergeant Brooks completed his MOS school, Tactical Imagery Analyst Course in May 2010. In January 2011 Sergeant Brooks deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM for one year serving as an Imagery Analyst and Collection Manager.

After being selected to Staff Sergeant in 2012, Sergeant Brooks was assigned to 3d Intelligence Battalion, Okinawa, Japan. SSgt Brooks supported various contingencies and exercises at 3d Intelligence Battalion such as Imagery Analyst, Dissemination Manager, and Watch Chief. In June 2013 SSgt Brooks was temporarily assigned to duty on the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit as the Geospatial Chief for a period of one year.

After completion of the his billet with the 31st MEU SSgt Brooks was selected for recruiting duty and attended Recruiter School July 2015. In October 2015 SSgt Brooks was assigned to RS Orlando, RSS Melbourne, FL as a Canvassing Recruiter. SSgt Brooks was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant September 1, 2017 and completed recruiting duty in September 2018.

GySgt Brooks checked into 2d Marine Aircraft Wing, Marine Wing Headquarters Squadron 2, G-2 as the Imagery Chief for approximately two years and then as ACI chief for a year. In July of 2021 GySgt Brooks received orders to, 2d Intelligence Battalion, Operations Company at Camp Lejeune, NC. GySgt Brooks filled various billet such as Operations Company First Sergeant and Imagery Chief. In December 2021 GySgt Brooks was selected to First Sergeant and received orders in January 2022 to Intelligence Support Battalion, New Orleans, LA to assume duties as the ISB Inspector and Instructor Senior Enlisted Advisor.