A native of Mississippi, LtCol Jeremiah Davis has experience with both the FMF and the supporting establishment as well as with both the Active and Reserve components.
For the first 10 years of his career, LtCol Davis served as an active duty Artillery Officer. After graduating from TBS, 1stLt Davis attended Basic Field Artillery Course in Fort Sill, Oklahoma. His first assignment was to 3d Bn, 12th Marines in Okinawa, Japan. During this tour, he served as the Fire Support Liaison Officer, Assistant Operations Officer, and HQ Battery Commander. He also deployed to Afghanistan on Embedded Training Team 4-5, Regional Advisory Team 3-7 from June 2009-April 2010. During this deployment, LtCol Davis worked closely with the Afghan National Army training and deploying with them.
After his tour in Afghanistan and Okinawa, Capt Davis attended Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) in Quantico, VA from July 2011-June 2012. Upon completion of EWS, Capt Davis was assigned as the Inspector-Instructor of Battery I, 3d Bn 14th Marines in Allentown, PA. After completing his tour with Battery I, Capt Davis was assigned to 3d Bn, 11th Marines in Camp Pendleton, CA. During his time with 11th Marines, he served as the First Support Officer and Battery Commander of Battery B, 3d Bn, 11th Marines. During this assignment he deployed with 13th MEU from February 2016 to October 2016.
After completing Battery Command, Capt Davis applied for and was accepted to the Active Reserve (AR) Program in June 2017. His first assignment in the AR program was to 4th Reconnaissance Battalion where he served as the Battalion Logistics Officer from Sept 2017-May 2020. After leaving 4th Reconnaissance Battalion, Maj Davis attended Command and Staff at the Naval War College in Newport, RI. Upon completion of Command and Staff, he was assigned as the Prior Service Recruiting Officer of 4th Marine Corps District in Harrisburg, PA. After being selected for command, LtCol Davis became the Inspector-Instructor of 4th Medical Battalion.
LtCol Davis holds a Master of Business Administration and a Master of National Security Strategy. His personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Corps Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Accommodation Medal w/ 3 gold stars, and the Navy Achievement Medal.