


Sergeant Major Frederick R. Bridges
Command Senior Enlisted Leader
Combat Logistics Battalion 451

Sergeant Major Bridges is a native of Nederland, TX. After completing high school in NC, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps November 2000, attending Recruit Training at MCRD Parris Island, SC in August 2001. Upon recruit training graduation Private Bridges was meritoriously promoted to Private First Class (PFC). In November 2001, PFC Bridges reported to the Marine Combat Training, Camp Geiger, NC.  

After completion of Marine Combat Training in December 2001, PFC Bridges was assigned to the primary Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) of Small Arms Repairer (2111). In December 2001, PFC Bridges checked-in to Ground Ordnance Maintenance School, at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. 

From March 2002 to August 2005 PFC Bridges was assigned to Romeo Battery, 5th Battalion, 10th  Marines, Camp Lejeune, NC, where he was promoted to the ranks of Lance Corporal and Corporal.  Also, holding the billets of armorer and battalion armory Non Commissioned Officer In-Charge. 

PFC Bridges deployed on the Unit Deployment Program (UDP), in April 2002 to Camp Hansen at Okinawa, Japan. While serving with 3rd Battalion, 12th Marines, he was promoted to Lance Corporal. Upon return of the UDP in November, 2002 Romeo Battery was notified to prepare for deployment to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. In February 2003, Lance Corporal Bridges deployed with Romeo Battery, 5th Battalion, 10th Marines to Kuwait in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom with Task Force Tripoli. August 2005, Corporal Bridges' tour of active duty came to an end.

In July 2008, Corporal Bridges reported to 4th Maintenance Battalion in Charlotte, NC where he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Marine Corps Reserves. While serving at 4th Maintenance Battalion, Sergeant Bridges attended the Martial Arts Instructor Course and obtained the MOS 0916. Sergeant Bridges held billets such as Platoon Sergeant, Armory Chief, Training Chief, and Martial Arts Instructor. January 2012 Sergeant Bridges was promoted to Staff Sergeant while serving as Battalion Training Chief.

In October 2015, Staff Sergeant Bridges reported to Detachment C, Environmental Services Division in Charlotte, NC where he was assigned as Environmental Team Tech, Logistics Chief, and Det Chief. During this tour he attended Hazardous Material Courses and obtained the MOS 8056. January 2016, Staff Sergeant Bridges was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant.

Upon selection to First Sergeant in April 2019, he was assigned to Battery H, 3/14 in Richmond, VA. As of June 2019, the First Sergeant will serve a three year tour with the Battery. First Sergeant Bridges was assigned a subsequent tour to Company F, 4th Light Armor Reconnaissance Battalion in Eastover, SC from June 2022 to January 2024. After selection to Sergeant Major, the new Sergeant Major Bridges was assigned to Combat Logistics Battalion 451 in Charlotte, NC.  

Sergeant Major Bridges' personal awards include the Navy Commendation Medal with (1) gold star, Navy And Marine Corps Achievement Medal with (1) gold star, Combat Action Ribbon, Select Marine Corps Reserve Medal with (4) bronze star, Armed Forces Reserve Medal with bronze hourglass, and Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal.

In his personal career, he owns and runs an industrial cleaning company providing facility services to manufacturing facilities across the Carolinas.