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Marines with 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve, and Canadian Soldiers from 2 Royal Canadian Regiment search for possible enemy targets at night May 26, 2017, during exercise Maple Resolve 2017, to provide surface-to-surface as well as air-to-surface fire support. Exercise Maple Resolve is an annual, 3-week multinational simulated war, hosted by the Canadian Army bringing approximately 7,000 total NATO allies across the world to share tactics while strengthening foreign military ties.

Photo by Cpl. Gabrielle Quire

3rd ANGLICO plays key role in exercise Maple Resolve 2017

2 Jun 2017 | Cpl. Gabrielle Quire U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Marines with 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve worked alongside Canadian Soldiers from 2 Royal Canadian Regiment, relaying information for close air support missions aboard the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, Camp Wainwright, Alberta, during Exercise Maple Resolve 2017 beginning May 14, 2017.
Exercise Maple Resolve is an annual, 3-week multinational simulated war, hosted by the Canadian Army bringing approximately 7,000 total NATO allies across the world to share and learn tactics while strengthening foreign military ties.
During the exercise, 3rd ANGLICO aided in planning and coordination and provided support for units within 2 RCR.
“Our mission is to provide fire support and coordination to units, mainly foreign, adjacent to the Marine Air Ground Task Force,” said Cpl. Daniel A. Reyes, a joint fires observer with 3rd ANGLICO.
During Maple Resolve, Marines with 3rd ANGLICO communicated with various aircraft from the Royal Canadian Air Force to provide essential support for units on the ground.
“We coordinated artillery, mortars and fires, and close air support from fixed and rotary wing aircraft and provided live intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance video downlink feeds from unmanned aircraft system assets allowing the ground commander to better identify associated risks in the tactical risk assessment,” said Capt. David Wi, joint terminal attack controller with 3rd ANGLICO.
The firepower control team is the smallest element within 3rd ANGLICO. Its primary function is to call for and adjust artillery fire and coordinate fires and close air support attacks using targeting information from an observer or other asset with real time targeting information.
“Two firepower control teams from 3rd ANGLICO were out in the field for six days in wet and cold weather environments, fully integrated with the maneuver elements of 2 Royal Canadian Regiment to provide terminal control of fires,” Wi said.
Participating in large scale exercises among foreign militaries and in realistic environments, like at Maple Resolve, ensures Marines maintain high levels of proficiency and readiness necessary for worldwide deployment.
“Training in exercises like these is important, said Wi. “It tests each military’s ability to perform missions in conjunction with one another and allows us to gain a better understanding of the other’s procedures as well as hone our own skills in preparation for real world events.”
The exercise has verified 3rd ANGLICO’s abilities and facilitated a stronger working relationship with Canadian forces.
“We got some good training, it was cold, wet and fun,” said Reyes. “Once we figured out each other’s tactics and procedures, I think both sides had a pretty good time.”

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