
New seasonal influenza vaccine and goal announced

18 Aug 2017 | Cpl. Devan Alonzo Barnett U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

    Marine Administrative Message 453/17 provides guidance, to Marine Corps active and Reserve components, to implement the 2017-2018 mandatory Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Program.  The Department of Defense goal is 90 percent of personnel vaccinated no later than Dec. 15, 2017.

    Seasonal influenza is a highly contagious disease that has the potential to severely reduce mission readiness. 

A timely comprehensive vaccination program must be enforced by leaders throughout the Marine Corps to mitigate mission risk.  Maximum and early influenza vaccination compliance reduces severity of the disease in Marines who become exposed to the virus and strengthens the ability of the force to limit spread of the disease.

    All active and Reserve Marines must receive their influenza vaccine annually. 

Based on previous experiences, major commands should attain at least 75 percent compliance in their roll-up reports by Nov. 1, 2017 to be on track to achieve the 90 percent compliance by Dec. 15, 2017.

    For more information, see MARADMIN 453/17.