
National Retirement Security Week 2017

21 Sep 2017 | Cpl. Dallas Johnson U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

New Orleans - Marine Administrative Message 519/17 announces that the Department of Defense and the Marine Corps are participating in the National Retirement Security Week from Oct. 15-21, 2017.

NRSW, sponsored by the National Association of Government Defined Contribution Administrators, is an annual opportunity for Marines and families to focus on financial readiness and retirement security. This year’s NRSW is especially important, since a large portion of Marines are choosing to opt-in or out of the new Blended Retirement System.

Support materials have been provided to personal financial management personnel and family readiness officers aboard installations across the Marine Corps.  Approved financial resources can provide guest speakers, personal financial counselors, special financial products, and presentations to enhance campaign efforts. 

Personal financial management staff, and commanders at locations without financial management staff, are encouraged to submit a campaign plan to the Headquarters Marine Corps personal financial management program manager no later than Sept. 30, 2017.

Additional NRSW campaign and financial education information is available from installation PFM staff or unit command financial specialists. 

Additional BRS information is available at

For more information, see MARADMIN 519/17.