
Continuation pay procedures for the Blended Retirement System

4 Oct 2017 | Pfc. Samantha Schwoch U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Marine Administrative Message 543/17 gives guidance on continuation pay, a form of payment in addition to regular salary that is offered as an incentive, to Marines with 12 years of service and who are participating in the Blended Retirement System.

The BRS goes into effect on Jan. 1, 2018, and eligible Marines may enroll.

To qualify for the one-time continuation payment, an active duty Marine must complete 12 years of service and be enrolled in the BRS by the end of 2017. After enrolling, Marines are obligated to serve an additional four years. Reserve Marines must be eligible to receive basic pay or inactive duty pay on the date they complete 12 years of service to receive continuation pay. Reserve Marines must also serve their additional four years of obligated service in the Select Marine Corps Reserve.

Marines who intend to enroll in the BRS and elect to receive continuation pay must sign a continuation pay statement of understanding before Jan. 1, 2018, but no earlier than Nov. 1, 2017.

Active duty Marines with a date of original entry on or before Dec. 31, 2017 have the option to remain in the High Three Retirement System, a pension program that uses the highest three years of earning in the benefit formula.

For more information, see MARADMIN 543/17.