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President Barack Obama is assisted by Lt. Gen. Richard P. Mills, commander of Marine Forces Reserve, and other Marines, to sort toys during a Toys for Tots event at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Dec. 10, 2014. The Toys for Tots drive is a program developed by Marine Forces Reserve to provide needy children with toys for Christmas.

Photo by Cpl. J. Gage Karwick

President, First Lady Volunteer at Toys for Tots Event

12 Dec 2014 | Cpl. J. Gage Karwick U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

Marines and civilians gathered at the U.S. Department of State building Dec. 9, and Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling Dec. 10, to show their support and donate toys to the Toys for Tots drive sponsored by Marine Forces Reserve to provide Christmas toys for needy or under privileged children.

The U.S. Department of State was the first stop for Marine Forces Reserve personnel to pick up donations with the assistance of Secretary of State John Kerry.

“It is a great opportunity to be able to provide to a child,” said Byron D. Harley, a physical security specialist for the Bureau of Diplomatic Security with the U.S. State Department. “I don’t have any of my own so having the opportunity is a great feeling that I get when I see these kids’ smiling faces.”

According to Harley, the State Department has been donating toys to Toys for Tots since 2001 and donations come from the employees of each bureau.

Donators from the State Department gave willingly to Toys for Tots, knowing that just one toy from them brings smiles to kids’ faces.

Marines who volunteer their time to Toys for Tots, by giving out gifts and collecting toys, were present at both events. The Inspector Instructor staff and their Reserve Marines were on site at various locations.

 “Their role is to collect the toys and consolidate them at a facility so they can distribute them once we get closer to the end of holiday season,” said Maj. Angel Torres, Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization Liaison Officer to the Department of State. 

Though hundreds of toys were gathered and presented already, many believe there are still more to come in the time remaining until Christmas.

“The turnout was amazing; we have collected hundreds of toys and we are expecting more and more donations,” said Torres. “This is what the holiday season is all about - giving.  You are helping your fellow Americans, and giving a toy to a needy child could change so much in their life and that is a priceless feeling.”

The second event at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling was attended by President Barack Obama, and the First Lady Michelle Obama, who joined Marine Forces Reserve personnel in sorting Toys into age-group appropriate bins.

“Today we have the honor of having the president of the United States and the first lady join us in helping sort toys for distribution to the needy,” said Lt. Gen. Richard P. Mills, commander of Marine Forces Reserve, as he began to sort toys himself alongside the president, first lady, other Marines and children.

Toys for Tots is a program that the Marine Corps Reserve has used to go above and beyond, making sure no child is left behind - from using trucks to deliver toys to lesser known Native American tribes, to helicoptering into remote villages in Alaska. The commitment and service of the Marine Corps Reserve to the community and Toys for Tots is beyond all contestation.   

 “Service to the community is just one more aspect to the Marine Corps,” said Mills. “We are warriors through and through but we are also good citizens, and this is a chance for us to demonstrate that to a lot of young children that otherwise would have a very poor Christmas.”

Standing at a collection point and collecting toys is a great way to contribute to spreading holiday cheer, but the real delight comes at the moment of presenting a gift to a child who was wishing for, but not expecting, one of their own.

“Toys for Tots will bring a tear to your eye,” said Mills. “The really joyous part of the drive is when we get to distribute the toys to children, and the thankfulness on their faces and the joy in their hearts is absolutely wonderful.”