
Crew-neck Undershirt Now Authorized for Female Marines

17 Mar 2016 | Lance Cpl. Devan Barnett U.S. Marine Corps Forces Reserve

MARADMIN 143/16 authorizes female Marines to wear white crew-neck undershirts in the dress and service uniforms at their discretion. 

Paragraphs 3036.1.b and 3036.3 have been changed to allow females the option of now wearing the white crew-neck or V-neck undershirt.  The Marines may wear short sleeve shirts of any material as long as it meets the command’s minimum safety standards and have the Marine Corps approval identification number.  Female Marines will continue to wear adequate undergarments to ensure proper fit, appearance and opaqueness of the uniform as well.

It is the Marine’s option to wear the undershirt. However, if the commander requires uniformity for formations, ceremonies, or parades, female Marines are now required to wear it. 

For more information and guidance see MARADMIN 143/16.