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3rd ANGLICO plays key role in exercise Maple Resolve 2017
Marines with 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve, and Canadian Soldiers from 2 Royal Canadian Regiment search for possible enemy targets at night May 26, 2017, during exercise Maple Resolve 2017, to provide surface-to-surface as well as air-to-surface fire support. Exercise Maple Resolve is an annual, 3-week multinational simulated war, hosted by the Canadian Army bringing approximately 7,000 total NATO allies across the world to share tactics while strengthening foreign military ties.


Marine with 3rd ANGLICO sees the world through Marine Corps Reserve
Cpl. Daniel A. Reyes, a joint fires observer with 3rd Brigade, 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve, has traveled to places like New Zealand and South...

3rd ANGLICO plays key role in exercise Maple Resolve 2017
Marines with 3rd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve worked alongside Canadian Soldiers from 2 Royal Canadian Regiment, relaying information for close...