Lance Cpl. Brian Perez is a Bronx, New York, native and Reserve Marine with Service Company, 6th Communication Battalion, Force Headquarters Group, Marine Forces Reserve, participating in Exercise African Lion 2018 in Morocco, April 17-27. Not only does he have his Marine Corps duties to be responsible for, but he’s also an assistant project manager for a local construction company. Between juggling both of his responsibilities he is also a part time student studying business management.
“Having so many responsibilities is almost second nature to me because of the Marine Corps,” Perez said. “We are always tasked with what seems like too much to handle to some people but then we accomplish it all and that’s the mentality I’ve used at my civilian job.”
Both fields that Lance Cpl. Perez works in have mental commonalties. Such as constantly holding responsibility and leadership positions.
“I have to constantly ensure that our contracts are taking care of as well as the certifications to match the states requirements,” Perez said. “The Marine Corps has prepared me by always being on top of things, and make sure all duties under my billet are beyond expectations.”