
Semper Fit

Semper Fit LogoThe Semper Fit Program provides a healthy lifestyle activities and education that assist the "Commander" in preventing situations before they develop into serious problems, which negatively impact on mission readiness of our Marines, our commands, and our readiness to succeed as partners in this challenging way of life. While the transformation of making Marines begins with the recruiter, sustaining the transformation is the responsibility of those who lead our Marines. Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) Semper Fit Programs are designed to assist our leadership in sustaining the transformation, and to be a force multiplier that helps maintain Marines as the Nation’s premier warfighters. Semper Fit Programs are directly related to combat readiness. They serve as the main mechanism through which a variety of programs, services and activities are provided to our Marines and Sailors. Positive lifestyle and behavioral changes should result in optimal health, an enhanced quality of life, and improved combat readiness. Semper Fit is a combination of Physical Fitness, Health Promotion, Single Marine Program (SMP), Recreational Support, and Leagues/Sports. 
