

Reserve Duty OnLine Update

Every Marine transferring to MCB IMA must log into RDOL (Reserve Duty OnLine) immediately to complete their user profile. Failure to do so will result in pay being withheld by RPAC (Reserve Personnel Administration Center).

Step 1

There are two (2) methods available to get to RDOL:

  1. Go to RDOL directly ( and login using your regular MOL (Marine On-Line) username and password. Once you have successfully logged in, click on the RDOL text in the left-hand side navigation bar to go to the RDOL home page.
  2. Go to MOL (Marine OnLine: and login. Select “Resources” from the menu bar at the top and then click on the “Reserve Duty OnLine (RDOL)” link listed under the “External Resources” heading.


Step 2

Once logged into RDOL, click on the “User Profile” button at the top of the page. From there, click on the “User Profile Home Page” link to view your User Profile Summary.


Step 3

Here you will see your current employment, school, and related information. If you have no information shown, you must enter it now. If you have information displayed, verify all of it and make any necessary changes.

It is important to remember that you are required to update and validate this information every six (6) months.


Useful Information for MCB IMA Marines

The IMA (Individual Mobilization Augmentee) program provides a source of trained and qualified members of the SMCR to fill individual military billets that augment the active component structure of the Marine Corps, Department of Defense, or other Departments or Agencies of the US Government. IMA billets are required to support mobilization (including pre- and/or post- mobilization) contingency operations, operations other than war or other specialized or technical requirements.

The following is general information that every IMA member should know about. Most of this information comes right out of the IMA order and the Marine Corps Reserve Administrative Management Manual (MCRAMM, MCO P1001R.1J (Link to File in doc folder)). It is very important to understand how the Marine Corps Reserve system works and how to have a successful reserve career.


Purpose of the IMA

Individual Mobilization Augmentation Detachments (IMA Dets) are used to support active duty organization requirements. During periods of wartime, contingency operations and the GWOT, IMAs fill out active duty shortages and assist in filling contingency coded billets on the Marine Corps Base ’s (MCB’s) Table of Organization (T/O). Many of the manpower shortages that IMAs fill are not required during peacetime. During other periods, the IMA supports the active duty mission and becomes prepared to step in and be fully functional during deployments.

The IMA member will drill with their assigned Detachment. The Detachment OIC will be responsible for scheduling all drills and annual training (AT) requirements for that det. The Det OIC will work with the RSU to coordinate all orders and pay issues. The Det OIC will coordinate all drill schedules. It is expected that the members of the IMA Detachment be available to be recalled to Active Duty as directed by HHQ when required.


Basic Concepts

Fiscal Year (FY)

The Fiscal Year is the basic unit of time for all funding and is from 1 October to 30 September. The 48 drills and AT period are budgeted for this period. All types of reserve pay are funded with each FY to include ADSW and Additional Paid Drills (APD), which includes Additional Training Periods (ATP) and Readiness Management Periods (RMP).


Anniversary Year (AY)

This is based on the day the member originally signed his/her initial enlistment contract. For those who joined after 28 November 1989, it is based on their first day of active duty. This relates to the pay entry base date (PEBD). All good years for reserve retirement purposes are based off the AY. A minimum of 50 points must be earned during any AY to be credited with a satisfactory year.


Types of Points

Active Duty Points

One point is earned for each day of active duty served, either paid or non-paid (AT, ADSW, TempActDu, Schools, etc.). Basic pay and allowances are paid during any active duty period. A maximum of 365 points may be accumulated.

Additional Training Period (ATP)

15 inactive duty (non-paid) points are earned each AY for being in a reserve status (IRR, SMCR, IMA, or MTU).

Readiness Management Period (RMP)

One point is earned for each paid or non-paid drill period (Regular drills, ATP, RMP, or non-paid drills [EIN's]). A maximum number of 90 inactive duty points may be earned during any AY as a combination of all types of drills, to include membership points.


Types of Inactive Duty for Training (IDT)

Regular Drill (Reg)

Maximum of 48 approved and paid for all IMA Detachment Personnel.

Additional Training Period

Used for preparation of training programs, lesson plans, training aids, training rehearsals, unit training, administration and support functions. Must have prior approval for ATPs and cannot exceed 30 per fiscal year or any 2 per day.

Readiness Management Period (RMP)

Used to perform day-to-day administrative functions, training preparation, support activities, and maintenance functions necessary to maintain a state of readiness. Must have prior approval for RMPs and cannot exceed 30 per fiscal year, and 1 per day.

Miscellaneous Information


The MCB OPSPON must approve all requests for ADSW orders. The request will then be forwarded to higher Marine Forces Reserve (MFR). All requests for orders should be submitted at least 30 days prior to the active duty period. If orders are for 31 days or more, the member is joined to the supporting active duty command and will be paid as a regular active duty Marine. For AT or ADSW (30 days or less), full payment is made upon liquidation of orders when the Original Orders, travel claim, and any receipts are sent to MFR for processing through DFAS. An endorsement from the OPSPON, to include reporting and detaching endorsements, are required. No other payments are made until the orders are liquidated.


DPC West IMA OpSponsor will coordinate all required PME school seat and orders.

Marine On-Line

All Marines in the IMA Det. will be enrolled and have an active account in MOL.


When on ADSW or AT orders, travel is always authorized for one round trip from your home to the duty site. Travel is paid on one set of AT orders. If an additional AT is authorized by HHQ and performed, travel will not be approved for the second period. One day of travel may be authorized if required. Per Diem and lodging will be authorized if outside the command local commuting distance policy (outside the 50-mile radius from Camp Pendleton). Note: Per Diem will never be paid for drill periods.


IMA personnel are required to have a physical every 5 years up to age 50 ad every 2 years thereafter. If your physical is not current within the last five years, MOBCOM will not issue orders of any type until your physical is complete. For any personnel traveling Outside of the Continental United States (OCONUS), you have completed an HIV test within the last year.


Authorized for regular drills or approved additional drills if you reside outside 50 miles. You must call the OPSPON at (760) 725-7037 (RSU Adjutants Office), and arrange your reservations 2 weeks prior of your drill date. If you do not call and make reservations with OPSPON prior to drill, you will not be reimbursed for you lodging expense.


All administrative work (service record keeping and pay) for all IMA Det. personnel is done by MOBCOM. Members must work closely with their OPSPON to ensure that their records are current and accurate. When you are on orders for more than 30 days, the unit you are assigned to will take care of you administratively. MOBCOM will mail your Medical/Dental records and your Officers Qualification Record (OQR), or Service Record Book (SRB) to the Gaining Force Command (GFC).


Qualification for Retirement

To qualify for a reserve retirement, a member must have accumulated a minimum of 20 “satisfactory years” (AYs). The last six years must have been in the Reserve Component and more importantly must be consecutive. Retirement pay is then received, after it is applied for, starting at age 60.


Career Retirement Credit Report (CRCR)

Remember it is your responsibility to certify your CRCR annually the month following your anniversary month. This allows you to make any necessary corrections needed and ensure that your information is correct.


Physical Fitness Test

You are required to perform a PFT annually. It is your responsibility to ensure that your PFT is current. If it is not, it could preclude you from performing active duty or any ADSW. Your OPSPON will conduct and monitor your PFT. If you are on mobilized orders, your PFT will be performed semi-annually by your GFC.


IMA Forms
File Name Description
ADSW Request Reserve Qualification Summary AT REQUEST  




Contact Information

Reserve Support Unit 
Box 555111
Camp Pendleton, CA. 92055-5111

(760) 725-7339 (RSU Admin Office)

** Before you contact the IMA You need to contact your local PSR **