

Last Names Starting With "T"


Age 22, McDowell, Kentucky Lance Cpl. Thornsberry was killed while conducting combat operations in the Al Anbar Province, Iraq. He was assigned to Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 24th Marines, 4th Marine Division, Johnson City, Tennessee. He died on October 25, 2006.
Age 24, Bridgeport, Pennsylvania Cpl. Todd died southeast of Baghdad, Iraq, as a result of hostile action. He was assigned to the 6th Engineer Support Battalion, 4th Force Service Support Group, Marine Forces Reserve in Folsom, Pennsylvania. He died on June 29, 2004.
Age 23, New Windsor, New York Cpl. Tremblay died while conducting combat operations in vicinity of Hit, Iraq. He was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, Marine Forces Reserve in Moundsville, West Virginia. As part of Operation Iraqi Freedom his unit was attached to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward). He died on April 27, 2005.