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MCIRSA Definitions
Marine Corps Individual Reserve Support Activity (MCIRSA)
Marine Forces Reserve



Active Duty Operational Support (ADOS) Orders:
A tour of AD which is authorized for Reserve Marines using: a) Military Personnel Marine Corps (MPMC) appropriations to provide operational support to the Regular Component, or b) Reserve Personnel Marine Corps (RPMC) appropriations to provide operational support to the Reserve Component.  The purpose of ADOS is to provide the necessary skilled manpower assets to support existing or emerging requirements.

Active Reserve (AR):
Marines who are part of the Selected Reserve on full-time active duty under 10 U.S.C. Sections 10211, 12310(d) or MCO 1001R.1K A-2 for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the Reserve Component.

Anniversary Year:
The anniversary year is a period of 12 consecutive months (365/366 days) during which a member must accrue a minimum of 50 points (including membership) if such period is to be credited as a qualifying year for retirement purposes. The anniversary date is the date on which the anniversary year commences.

Annual Training (AT):
It is the minimum period of training that Selected Reserve members must perform each year to satisfy Marine Corps training requirements associated with their assignment.  The primary purpose of AT is to provide individual and/or unit readiness training, but AT may support AC missions and requirements, i.e., operational support, as a consequence of performing AT.


Appropriate Duty Orders:
Inactive Duty for Training (IDT) orders that allow Reserve Marines to perform under their cognizance to attend special functions, to perform certain tasks or undergo IDT for Reserve Retirement Credit Points, in a non-pay status.  The list of approved duty is too extensive to list but is listed in the Marine Corps Reserve Administration Management Manual, MCO 1001R.1K.   


Associate Duty Orders:
Inactive Duty for Training (IDT) orders that allow IRR Marines to affiliate and participate with Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR), Mobilization Training Unit, or Active Component (AC) units, in a nonpay status.  The IRR Marine must meet height and weight and military appearance standards, be junior to the unit’s CO/OIC and be current in Servicemen’s Life Group Insurance (SGLI) coverage payments at the time of orders request.  These orders allow IRR Marines to work and train with SMCR or AC units as augmentation or while waiting to fill a billet that is currently occupied but will become vacant in the near future (one year or less).  (In the case for AC units, the billet will be an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) position, which is called the Provisional IMA Program (PIP), reference MCO 1001.62.)  One inactive Reserve Retirement Credit Point is awarded for each minimum of four hours of duty, with a maximum of two IDT periods being allowed in a calendar day.


Career Retirement Credit Report (CRCR):
A report showing the number of Reserve retirement credit points obtained throughout a reserve career. 


Civilian Employment Information (CEI):
Requirement by DoD for all Ready Reserve members (SMCR, IMA, IRR) to maintain civilian employment information in a centralized database.  The CEI Program is designed to capture and maintain an accurate civilian employment-related information database.


Inactive Duty for Training (IDT):
IDT is authorized training performed by members of the Ready Reserve not on AD and performed in connection with the prescribed activities of the units of MCO 1001R.1K which they are members. IDT consists of regularly scheduled unit training periods, additional IDTs periods, and equivalent training (associate and appropriate duty).  The primary purpose of IDT is to provide individual and/or unit readiness training.


Incremental Inactive Duty for Training (IIADT):
An enlistment program for college, university, or trade school students allowing an individual to attend basic military and initial/technical skill training during summer semester break within 1 year after the completion of recruit training. This training is normally completed in two increments, however a third summer of training may be required to complete Marine Combat Training (MCT) for some MOSs.


Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA):
An individual member of the Selected Reserve who receives training and is pre-assigned to an AC organization, the Selective Service System (SSS), or a FEMA billet that must be filled to meet the requirements of the organization to support mobilization (including pre- and/or post-mobilization) requirements, contingency operations, operations other than war, or other specialized or technical requirements.  IMAs train with these organizations on a regular/scheduled basis.  The IDT requirement can vary from 0 to 48 IDTs per year.  A minimum of 12 days AT (13 including travel) is required of all IMAs.  Reference:  MCO 1001.62


Individual Ready Reserve (IRR):
A trained manpower pool of Ready Reserve Marines who are not in the Selected Reserve. The IRR consists of: (1) Marines who have had training and served previously in the Active Component (AC) or in a Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) unit and have some period of Military Service Obligation (MSO) remaining, (2) Marines who have completed their MSO and are in the IRR by choice, and (3) Marines of the Delayed Entry Program (DEP).


Inspector-Instructor (I-I):
Active duty support personnel from both Active Component (AC) and Active Reserve (AR) who instruct and assist SMCR units to maintain a continuous state of readiness for mobilization; inspect and render technical advice in command functions including administration, logistical support, and public affairs; and execute such collateral functions as may be directed by higher authority.  The majority of AC, AR, and Selected Reserve (SelRes) personnel are integrated into a single chain of command which passes from individual units through the appropriate MSC.  These Marines are subject to deployment with their assigned unit in the event of mobilization.


Major Subordinate Command (MSC):
Major commands under the administrative and operational control of the Commander, Marine Forces Reserve include 4th Marine Division, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, and 4th Marine Logistics Group.


Marine Corps Reserve Administrative Management Manual (MCRAMM):
This order is the “bible” of Marine Corps Reserve administration that promulgates policy and procedural guidance for the management and administration of the Reserve Component (RC) within a Total Force construct.  The policy and procedures contained therein guide how to administer and manage the RC in or to maximize training and mobilization readiness, while reducing administrative burdens to the greatest extent possible.  Reference:  MCO 1001R.1K


Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS):
The Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS) is the single, integrated personnel and pay system supporting both Active Duty and Reserve components of the Marine Corps.  The system also includes the capability to report certain entries to enhance personnel management for civilians, other service personnel, retired Marines.  The MCTFS is jointly sponsored/owned by the Marine Corps and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).  MCTFS maintains more than 500,000 Active, Reserve and Retiree records that are available to be processed for pay purposes, personnel management or for the production of necessary management reports. MCTFS is colloquially referred to as '3270' because the system is accessed through a IBM 3270 terminal emulator.


Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES):
Command located in New Orleans to oversee the MAGTF MSCs of the Reserve Component. COMMARFORRES exercises OPCON over MSC’s and is responsible for the common staff functions of the subordinate command Headquarters which have been integrated within his staff. COMMARFORRES also exercises ADCON over members of the IRR and IMA/MTU program.  COMMARFORRES is responsible for effecting lateral coordination with the Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command (COMMARFORCOM) or such other AC commanders as may be appropriate for the conduct of joint operations, exercises, and training. 


Marine Corps Individual Reserve Support Activity (MCIRSA):
Section of FHG that handles all Individual Ready Reserve and limited Individual Mobilization Augmentee command and administrative functions. 


Marine OnLine (MOL):
Tracking system designed for individual Marines to manage all administrative, training, leave, and OMPF records.


Military Service Obligation (MSO):
Anyone inducted, enlisted, or appointed in the Armed Forces on or after 1 June 1984 incurs and 8-year period of obligated service.  Any part of this service that is not served on Active Duty will be performed in a Reserve status.


Mobilization Training Unit (MTU):
A unit established to provide RC training in a non-pay status for volunteers of the IRR and the Standby Reserve (ASL) attached under competent orders and participating in such units for unpaid inactive duty (IDT) retirement points.


Operational Sponsor (OpSponsor):
An AC sponsor having responsibility for the operational training and recall of designated Reserve personnel.


Post Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA):
The PDHRA is designed to screen active and reserve service members between 90 and 180 days after returning from certain qualifying deployments. The intent of the program is to ensure early identification and treatment of emerging deployment related health concerns.


Preventive Health Assessment (PHA):
Is an annual physical and health assessment that is required for Reserve Marines to participate in Active Duty Training.   


Prior Service Recruiter (PSR):
A PSR is an Active Reserve Maine who recruits IRR Marines to fill billet vacancies in Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) units, and/or the Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) or Active Reserve (AR) programs. They are located at each of the Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) SMCR unit locations (183 total).


Readiness Support Program (RSP):
A program consisting of IMAs  to assist MARFORRES in executing management function of the IRR component  through accountability, readiness, effectiveness, participation opportunities, and assisting IRR Marines with  benefits and entitlements.  Functions of the RSP consist of: IRR screening, training, post-activation support, and mobilization.


Ready Reserve:
Those units and individuals of the RC liable for active duty in time of war or national emergency. The Ready Reserve of the Marine Corps consists of the SelRes and the IRR.


Reserve Counterpart Training (RCT):
The RCT program is defined increase the mobilization potential of IRR members and is specifically designed to provide IRR personnel an opportunity to volunteer annually for assignments to ADT at designated AC commands or for AT.  The program is designed to upgrade and maintain MOS and technical skills considered essential upon mobilization.


Reserve Retirement Credit Points:
A qualifying point for IDT or ADT of between 2-4 hours credited towards a year of service for Reserve retirement.  A minimum of 50 retirement points is required for an anniversary year of which 20 qualifying years of service is the necessary to qualify for Reserve retirement pay at age 60.  


Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) Unit:
SelRes organized units consisting of drilling Reservists under MARFORRES belonging to the 4th Marine Division (4th MarDiv), 4th Marine Logistics Group (4th MLG), 4th Marine Aircraft Wing (4th MAW), and Force level units of MARFORRES.  All SMCR units are under the administrative and operational control (ADCON/OPCON) of the Commander, Marine Forces Reserve (COMMARFORRES).


Selected Reserve (SelRes):
The SelRes is that part of the Ready Reserve consisting of members of Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) units, Individual Mobilization Augmentees (IMAs), and members serving on the Active Reserve (AR) program.



Contact Information

2000 Opelousas Ave.
New Orleans, La. 70114

Unit Phone:
(504) 555-1212