


Lieutenant Colonel Emily J. Culver
Combat Logistics Battalion 451

Lieutenant Colonel Emily Culver is a native of Edina, Minnesota and is a 2005 graduate of the Virginia Military Institute. She was commissioned in 2005 into the Air Force, but shortly after competed for an interservice transfer to the United States Marine Corps. Upon commissioning into the United States Marine Corps, she completed The Basic School and Logistics Officers Course and was assigned to Truck Company, Headquarters Battalion, I Marine Division, as the Executive Officer.

She deployed to Iraq as a Convoy Commander in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from January 2008 to February 2009 with Truck Company, I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group (Forward). Over the course of the thirteen-month deployment, she planned, coordinated, and executed over 90 tactical logistics convoys, travelling over 13,000 miles throughout Anbar Province. Upon returning from Iraq, she served as the Company Commander of Truck Company Bravo, Headquarters Battalion, I Marine Division from March 2009 to January 2010.

In 2010, she was selected to lead the first full-time Female Engagement Team to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. As the Female Engagement Team Company Commander, she directed and coordinated the emplacement of 16 teams across Helmand Province, Afghanistan to conduct engagement missions within 11 districts and 101 villages in direct support of 11 infantry battalions. During that deployment, she was also asked to advise the British and Italian armed forces on how to establish similar capabilities.

Returning from Afghanistan in October 2010, she provided capabilities briefs concerning the employment of Female Engagement Teams to multiple events including a Congressional Breakfast and the Role of Women in Global Security Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark. She also served as an advisor for the Army Cultural Support Team training pipeline, a program that mirrors the Female Engagement Teams in support of Army Special Operations Units.

In January 2011, she reported to the I Marine Division, to serve as the Headquarters Battalion Operations Officer before executing orders to the United States Naval Academy in May 2011 to complete the Special Education Program. She completed her Professional Master’s Degree in Leadership and Education Development at the University of Maryland and served as 5th Company Officer from June 2011 to July 2014.

Following her tour at the United States Naval Academy, she executed orders to 1st Marine Raider Support Battalion, Marine Special Operations Command. She deployed as the Logistics Support Team Officer in Charge, MARSOC Detachment Pacific, Marine Special Operations Company Bravo, Pacific TF SOF Maritime (NSWU-1/CTF-71). Returning from the MARSOC deployment, Lieutenant Colonel Culver took command of the Logistics Company, 1st Marine Raider Support Battalion.

Following MARSOC, Lieutenant Colonel Culver served as the Future Operations Officer at Combat Logistics Regiment-15 until being selected to serve as Recruiting Station Commanding Officer in Louisville, Kentucky. She served as a Recruiting Station Commanding officer from June 2017 to June 2020, where she was responsible for recruiting high quality men and women across a 48,000 square mile area. After recruiting, she received orders to Special Operations Command Pacific (SOCPAC) and served as the Logistics Plans and Posture Chief for three years.

In March 2023, Lieutenant Colonel Culver was selected to serve as the SOCPAC Director of Logistics, responsible for all logistics support to Special Operations within the Indo-Pacific. She was selected for O5 Command and took command of I&I, CLB 451 in the summer of 2024.

Lieutenant Colonel Culver’s personal decorations include the Navy and Marine Commendation Medal with three Gold Stars, the Joint Service Achievement Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with one Gold Stars, and the Combat Action Ribbon with one Gold Star. She has also earned the Navy and Marine Corps Parachutist Badge.