NEW ORLEANS -- Marine Administrative Message 618/17 explains the criteria for the early release of active and Reserve Marines whose term of active service will expire during the holiday periods.
Commanders are authorized to discharge or release from active duty any active or Reserve officer or enlisted Marine who would normally be granted leave during the holiday season, and whose expiration of active service will occur between Dec. 15, 2017 and Jan. 5, 2018. Marines will not be separated earlier than Dec. 11, 2017.
Marines entitled to separation benefits are authorized to those benefits if released early. As a reminder, eligible Marines and their family members desiring to retain Tricare Prime upon separation are required to re-enroll in Tricare.
If the early release results in completion of less than 36 months of active duty service, the Marine will not qualify for the total benefit of the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Reserve Marines must not separate early in order to maintain eligibility for the Reserve Education Assistance Program benefits.
Reserve Marines performing Active Duty for Operational Support may request early release through their command for approval via the Marine Reserve Orders Writing System.
Active and Reserve Marines are required to attend mandated transition readiness seminars no less than 90 days prior to separation.
Prior to discharge or release from active duty, Marines must be counseled regarding their educational benefits.
Early separation is not applicable to Marines on extensions of active duty, medical or legal hold, transferring to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, taking terminal leave or owe the government.
For more information, see MARADMIN 618/17.