
ITX 4-19

Marine Forces Reserve, ITX 4-19


Integrated Training Exercise (ITX) 4-19 is a live-fire and maneuver combined arms exercise designed to train battalion and squadron-sized units in tactics, techniques, and procedures required to provide a sustainable and ready operational reserve for employment across the full spectrum of crisis and global engagement.

ITX 4-19 is an essential component of the MARFORRES training and readiness cycle.  It serves as the principal exercise for assessing a unit's capabilities.




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Photo Gallery
Crew-served weapons during ITX 4-19
U.S. Marine Lance Cpl. Loren Alexander, a military policeman with Marine Wing Support Squadron 472, Marine Aircraft Group 49, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing practices weapons operations on Range 106 during Integrated Training Exercise 4-19 at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif., June 13, 2019. ITX measures the ability to provide a cohesive, trained and ready capability in support of service and Combatant Commander requirements. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Tessa D. Watts)