
ITX 4-19

Marine Forces Reserve, ITX 4-19


Integrated Training Exercise (ITX) 4-19 is a live-fire and maneuver combined arms exercise designed to train battalion and squadron-sized units in tactics, techniques, and procedures required to provide a sustainable and ready operational reserve for employment across the full spectrum of crisis and global engagement.

ITX 4-19 is an essential component of the MARFORRES training and readiness cycle.  It serves as the principal exercise for assessing a unit's capabilities.




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Photo Gallery
Reserve Marine instructs Caribbean veterans in Barbados
U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Notbohm, a military policeman from Military Police Company B, Headquarters and Service Battalion, 4th Marine Logistics Group, and a Moon Township, Pa. native, shares tightens screws of riot shields during a crowd control practice at Barbados Defence Force Base Paragon, Christ Church, Barbados, June 18, 2012, for Exercise Tradewinds 2012. Tradewinds is a multinational, interagency exercise designed to develop and sustain relationships that improve the capacity of U.S., Canadian and 15 Caribbean partner nations security forces to counter transnational crime and provide humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.